Update from Administrator – November 23, 2020

Update from Administrator – November 23, 2020

Dear Friends and families,


We continue to test all of our staff on a weekly basis. Our staff continue to test negative. Because our staff continue to test negative, our local Bristol-Burlington Health District has allowed us to open our beauty salon.  We talked to Natalie and she will be here this week


As you know, 4 weeks ago we stopped testing the residents weekly by order of CT-DPH. As the state’s positivity rate continues to climb, during the month of December 1 – 10. The state wants all residents in all nursing tested for COVOD 19. This will find any resident that has covid 19 without any symptoms.  I am not sure what day our residents will get tested but it will be during that time frame.


Our call will be at 4 pm tomorrow.


Thank you and I will keep you updated on future changes.



November 23, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring